Pig performance can be improved greatly by using pigs with a higher genetic potential. However, the potential benefits of using superior genetics are not always fully understood. It is therefore the aim of the AGBU Pig Genetics Info sheets to provide general information about pig genetics. Information sheets will be available for the following topics.
This information will specifically outline features of PIGBLUP and is mostly of interest to current and potential PIGBLUP users.
PIGBLUP1: Genetic evaluation systems for pigs used in Australia
PBSELECT1: The online PIGBLUP service
Practical aspects of selecting superior pigs within purebred populations will be described.
Breeder1: Benefits of using PIGBLUP in pig breeding programs
Breeder2: Selection strategies for increased litter size and reduced litter mortality
Breeder3: Sow reproductive performance - Selection for litter size only is not enough
Boar EBVs predict differences in average progeny performance better than the
boar's own performance
Breeder5: Evaluating trial designs for a proof of EBVs demonstration
The emphasis is to demonstrate the economic benefits of using superior genetics. Producers will find this information most useful.
EBVs are a better predictor of genetic differences between pigs than
performance records
Producer2: EBVs can only be compared from the same genetic evaluation
Producer3: Using EBVs to select replacement stock improves profitability
Producer4: Demonstrating estimated breeding values - a case study
Producer5: Comparing AI boar selection strategies
Producer6: From 28 to 32 piglets per farrowed sow per year in 5 years - A case study
from France
Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) are the most accurate information about the genetic merit of an animal. EBVs from the NPIP will be displayed for boars available in AI stations along with other news from the NPIP.
The latest information about EBVs for AI boars is available from the web pages of the NPIP.
NPIP1: The National Pig Improvement Program
Fact sheets from Industry & Investment NSW.
Primefact 62: Breeds of pigs - Large White
Primefact 63: Breeds of pigs - Landrace
Primefact 64: Breeds of pigs - Duroc
InnovatE articles from Australian Pork.
February 2008: Towards higher feed intake of sows during lactation
November 2008: AGBU Pig Genetics Workshop