

Selection for improved market value of pig carcases

Contact: Susanne Hermesch

Market value of pig carcases is improved by increasing weight in more valuable cuts. Mérour and Hermesch (2008) found that returns per pig (2008 prices) of the top 10% group was $7 (farm gate level) or $21 (wholesale/retail level) higher in comparison to the average group based on weight differences in the middle, back leg and shoulder.      ... read more

Genetic parameters for weight of primal cuts and other performance, carcase and meat quality traits have been estimated for the French national data base while Isabelle Mérour from the Institute du Porc was on sabbatical at AGBU.      ... read more

Genetic analysis of feed intake of sows during lactation

Feed intake of sows is heritable and 5-day measures of feed intake during lactation have been proposed.      ... read more

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