




Pig Genetics Workshop, March 4-6, 1997

Table of Contents

H. Brandt, Selection Indices Used in Germany, Institute of Animal Science, University of Gottingen, Germany. (View)

T.S. Stewart, Selection in the US Pork Industry, Purdue University, USA. (View)

H-U. Graser & T. Henzell, Implementation of Buyers Own Index in PIGBLUP, AGBU. (View)

T.S. Stewart, User Indexes vs $ Index, Purdue University, USA. (View)

S. Hermesch, Performance of Gilts and Boars with High and Low EBV's for Litter Size, Average Daily Gain and Backfat, AGBU. (View)

S. Hermesch, Comparison of Genetic Parameters in PIGBLUP with UNE17P parameters, AGBU. (View)

K. Bunter, B. Tier & D. Johnston, Accuracy of EBV's, AGBU. (View)

T.S. Stewart, Mate Selection, Purdue University, USA. (View)

K. Bunter 1 & T.S. Stewart 2, Surfing the Net, 1 AGBU, 2 Purdue University, USA. (View)