




Pig Genetics Workshop, November 17-18,


Table of Contents

R. Crump & B. Tier, Use of marker information in PIGBLUP v5.20, AGBU. (View)

A. Henzell & R. Crump, PIGBLUP version 5.20: Flexible traits and data input, AGBU. (View)

R. Crump & S. Hermesch, The National Pig Improvement Program (NPIP) - update, AGBU. (View)

N. Nielsen, A Survey on Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) in the pork industry, University of Western Sydney. (View)

J. MacKinnon & R. Walters, European experience with post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and other PCV2-associated diseases: an update, International Consultants in Pig Breeding and Health. (View)

E. Knol & D. Prins, Implementation of selection for carcass quality in a pig breeding program in the Netherlands, Institute for Pig Genetics, Beuningen, The Netherlands. (View)

S. Hermesch 1 & J. O'Shea 2, Genetic analysis of pork bellies,1 AGBU, 2 QAF Meat Industries. (View)

K. Bunter 1 & C. Bennett 2, Genotype comparisons for meat and eating quality traits, 1 AGBU, 2 QAF Meat Industries. (View)

E. Knol & R. Bergsma, Piglet survival and sow efficiency, Institute for Pig Genetics, Beuningen, The Netherlands. (View)

R. Walters, How do we manage gilts for good lifetime performance? UPB Europe Ltd. (View)

M. Suarez 1, S. Hermesch 1, J. Braun 2, H-U Graser 1, Genetic parameters of reproductive traits recorded at different parities in Landrace and Large White sows, 1 AGBU, 2 Myora Farm. (View)

C. Moran, Progress in porcine genomics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney. (View)

R. Crump, Genetics of temperament: Flight time and the movement meter, AGBU. (View)

K. Bunter 1 & R. Lansdowne 2, Genetics of temperament: What do we know about the "back test?" 1 AGBU, 2 Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney. (View)