
Pig Genetics Workshop, November 7-8, 1995

Table of Contents

S. Hermesch, Genetics of Meat Quality Characteristics - Australian Work, AGBU. (View)

H. Brandt, New Meat Quality Characteristics, Institute of Animal Science, University of Gottingen, Germany. (View)

S. Hermesch, Economic Evaluation of Recording Meat Quality Traits from Pedigreed Animals, AGBU. (View)

C.McPhee, The Effect of Major and Minor Genes on Pig Traits and Profitability, Queensland Department of Primary Industry, Australia.(View)

H. Brandt, Boar Tait - Can We Breed It Away Or Do We Cut It Away?, Institute of Animal Science, University of Gottingen, Germany. (View)

T.E. Long, Boar Tait - Can We Breed It Away Or Do We Cut It Away?, University of Nebraska, USA. (View)

S. Hermesch, Study of NBA and its Relationship with Other Traits, AGBU. (View)

E. Tholen 1, K. Bunter 2, S. Hermesch 2 & H-U. Graser 2, The Genetic Foundation of Fitness and Reproduction Traits in Australian Pig Populations, I. Genetic Parameters for weaning to conception interval, farrowing interval and stayability, 1 University of Bonn, Germany, 2 AGBU. (View)

E. Tholen 1, K. Bunter 2, S. Hermesch 2 & H-U. Graser 2, The Genetic Foundation of Fitness and Reproduction Traits in Australian Pig Populations, II. Relationships between weaning to conception interval, farrowing interval, stayability and other common reproduction and production traits , 1 University of Bonn, Germany, 2 AGBU. (View)

H. Brandt, Sow Wastage and Effects on Stayability of Sows: Some German Results, Institute of Animal Science, University of Gottingen, Germany. (View)

K. Bunter, Connectedness in Across Herd Genetic Evaluations, AGBU. (View)

C.P. McPhee, G.M. Macbeth & P.R. Smith, Genetic Linking of Pig Farm, Testing Station and Artificial Insemination Centre, Queensland Department of Primary Industry, Australia. (View)

K. L. Bunter 1, T. Long 2 & B. Teir 1, Application of Mate Selection to Pig Breeding Programs, 1 AGBU, 2 University of Nebraska, USA. (View)