AGBU, Australia's genetics institute for agriculture
researching and developing systems for genetic evaluation and breeding to contribute to the improvement of productivity and product quality in Australia's livestock industry
Current research projects
HDR students
Improving outcomes for rural and regional communities
Developing genetic evaluation systems that are the envy of the world
This project developed metrics to describe the quality of data submitted to genetic evaluation systems and focused mainly on the sheep genetic evaluation systems delivered through Sheep Genetics, and the reporting of the data quality metrics in the RAMPing Up Genetic Gains reports.
Improved traceability enhances the industry’s ability to track, manage and control major exotic disease outbreaks. Using DNA to augment NLIS can lead to a range of additional benefits related to livestock evaluation, disease detection, pathway decisions, product specification and proof of provenance.
Advanced genetic evaluation tools and systems enabling faster and more genetic gain in the red meat industries.
Developments through this project have resulted in a seamless transition to the use of genomic data in the calculation of breeding values, for a greater range of traits supporting better breeding objectives.